Hi there! This is a just a simple sort of "trophy room" of the levels I've beaten over the time I've returned to playing this game since mid 2023. These are in chronological order, and is mostly so I have a place to give out my thoughts on the levels, so thank you for showing up. My in-game username is the same as the site handle. (There are still many, many other demons missing!)


Video: SoulsTRK

Low Tier
Forsaken Neon1m25sec

by TriAxis & Zobros; Awkward Gameplay
id: 6300721song: dimrain47 - forsaken neon

My first ever hard demon was this feller right here. Beating it was sort of the mark that said, "I'm back in this mf" lol. I don't know why I went for it in specific, probably because I already had giant consistency with the first couple parts of the level. Pretty creative ice-like deco from TriAxis with some odd gameplay choices from Zobros (Cube maze at 53% is super cool). Common consensus seems to say the final ship is a major chokepoint but I only died a couple times there, none being at the very end. The ball directly before it is also really weird to get the hang of. Still, I quite liked the level as a whole, my biggest complaint is probably the 48% wave and the blind jump directly after it. Also, fun fact, I beat this level while at my uncle's farmhouse. 1414att / 60fps / worst fail: 88% / rating: 7/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: AleXPain24

Nine Circles1m31sec

by Zobros; Wave, Nerve Control
id: 4284013song: nightkilla - nine circles

Certified hood classic that I can't really recall much of my experience with, despite being my 2nd ever hard demon. It felt like an XL to me despite not really being close to that length. 1940att / 60fps / worst fail: 84% / rating: 6/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Giron

Mid Tier
Neon Overdrive1m18sec

by Ggb0y; Ship, Duals
id: 4744205song: djjaner - cosmic dreamer

- No comment -
1604att / 60fps / worst fail: 92% / rating: 7/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: KeiAs

Low Tier

by Nox; UFO, Ship, Memory
id: 4545425song: kayozx - stalemate

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH hardcore ufo drop with a sudden deco change and a difficult ship after it + a couple memory parts thrown in, was not the worst choice i couldve picked for a first insane demon. you wont get consistent at 62% 1499att / 60fps / worst fail: 97% / rating: 7/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Smokes

Deadly ClubStep1m26sec

by IIINePtunEIII; Ship
id: 1299298song: dj-nate - clubstep

Spooky hard demon beaten on Halloween 2023, I don't really have a strong remembrance of my time with this level either. Mostly ship, but the memory parts in the Clubstep monsters are the most iconic segments to me, and the muscle memory never quite engraves into you. It's definitely showing its age however, even if unique. 1384att / 60fps / worst fail: 88% / rating: 6/10 / 2nd hardest upon completion


Video: Viprin

Low Tier

by ZenthicAlpha; Wave
id: 6939821song: nightkilla - jawbreaker

Classic blue Nine Circles level very loyal to the original albeit with an easier predrop and harder wave, not really much to say on this one, maybe a tad bit less consistent but I still thought it was easier 1029att / 60fps / worst fail: 92% / rating: 7/10


Video: Nexus

Low Tier
Windy Landscape1m17sec

by WOOGI1411; Overall, Ship
id: 4957691song: thefatrat - windfall

Ian (the homie who got me back into GD) told me I could beat this in a day if I really tried. Maybe I could've but I'm not the type of person to throw an entire afternoon into a single level, so I did it in three. It was kinda annoying due to the circumstances. The dual in the middle is pretty baller! 3047att / 60fps / worst fail: 94% / rating: 6/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Dorami

Dance Massacre1m32sec

by Hinds; Timings
id: 11607707song: madhousedude - flock

- No comment - (I fluked it)
418att / 60fps / worst fail: 69% / rating: 8/10 / 5th hardest upon completion


Video: KrmaL

Lit Fuse2m25sec

by KrmaL; Cube, Ship, Nerve Control
id: 15122517song: cacola - lit fuse

A total goliath of a rainbow colored XL level, it still remains my longest reigning hardest demon, and I'm happy that it is that way. As much as I love this level, the gameplay is, admittedly, far from perfect: It starts with a very long and difficult predrop at 0.5x speed, consisting of an unusual cube segment (which is the hardest part in the level) followed by a simple, yet very draining, epileptic ship part. Then there is a pretty easy spam dual, and finally the music goes full blast, which turns the level into a bright white 3x segment with portals constantly changing the camera view. This part is not hard, the gameplay is very straight forward, but you will probably have some disheartening deaths here due to its sheer length. In terms of deco, block design is basically nonexistent, the level lends itself nearly entirely to trippy background and foreground effects, which gave me a hypnotic, almost numbing experience due to the slow pace of the predrop. No question in saying the nostalgia weighs really heavy on this one. I think this is in general a pretty bad option for a new hardest, even then I still enjoyed it very much. 2993att / 60fps / worst fail: 94% / rating: 8/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Zobros


by Hinds; Overall
id: 4158642song: paragonx9 - infiltration

- No comment -
1479att / 60fps / worst fail: 84% / rating: 7/10 / 5th hardest upon completion


Video: Hema


by Viprin & Hinds; Timings
id: 7570320song: waterflame - radioactive

- No comment -
976att / 60fps / worst fail: 96% / rating: 6/10


Video: Mobile GD player

DIE BVVVH1m33sec

by The Shoot, Stamina & Lyal, verified by Arb; Overall
id: 78493479song: kxore - die bitch!

Just plain awesome 1.9 style level that flows really well 971att / 60fps / worst fail: 80% / rating: 9/10


Video: Michigun

Low Tier
The Big Black59sec

by alexANDgame; One memory part in particular
id: 6395545song: the quick brown fox - the big black

Deco fits well, gameplay is utterly depressing to play ;-; 1408att / 60fps / worst fail: 72% / rating: 5/10


Video: Nexus

High Tier

by Hinds; Overall, Ship
id: 15855959song: acid-notation - spiders

- No comment -
924att / 120fps / worst fail: 70% / rating: 7/10 / 4th hardest upon completion


Video: BoldStep

Mid Tier
The Shredder1m13sec

by Skitten & Sandstorm; Learny (UFO + Memory + Duals), Fast-paced
id: 6404795song: waterflame - the shredder

Complete adrenaline rush. Sandstorm's part in the second half is way harder than Skitten's, which isn't too surprising, considering he would go on to become the third ever victor of Cataclysm. Not much to comment on the deco, it's that classic, clean 1.9 hard/insane demon style with a nice mesh of different block categories. The gameplay goes: Long cube memory, tight UFO, semi invisible ship, and then everything goes crazy as you enter Sandstorm's 3x part: memory transition into a scary 3 second wave, another memory transition into (imo) the level's most difficult part, which is a 4 second UFO, and then a dastardly devilish asymmetrical dual at the end. This level has aged super well, and its in-game description does not lie: I encountered no bugs, and the hardest parts are just timings. Hell yeah, delicious new hardest in just 4 days. 2904att / 60fps / worst fail: 96% / rating: 9/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Andromeda

Low Tier

by Jekko; Ship
id: 10505306song: waterflame - rupture

- No comment -
736att / 240fps / worst fail: 84% / rating: 9/10 / 3rd hardest upon completion


Video: GD Archives

Not hard
Kill Stealer47sec

by Dzeser; Inconsistent dual at the end
id: 19735376song: waterflame - killstealer

- No comment - (Should be medium demon) 528att / 120fps / worst fail: 93% / rating: 7/10


Video: Arb

Low Tier
Scarlet Pulse2m14sec

by gecko0, SirHadoken & flash, verified by SMWDreams; Overall
id: 59484994song: madhousedude - check out

Noice (?) I didn't really put my mind into playing this level so this ended up taking way longer and was a lot more numbing than it should've been but it 100% does justice to its source material. Funnily gets rerated to hard demon on occation for a couple days before swapping back to insane demon. 2029att / 120fps / worst fail: 91% / rating: 7/10 / 5th hardest upon completion


Video: SrGuillester

High Tier
ICE Carbon Diablo X1m27sec

by Roadbose, verified by Riot; Ship Chokepoints
id: 814678song: dj-nate - clubstep

Not a lot more than pain. I'm glad to have it over with, but I wouldn't for the life of me rebeat it, not until I am far, far better than I was when attempting it. 4 months on and off. +-8845att / 120fps / worst fail: 96% / rating: 5/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Smiffy777

High Tier

by Mega0of; Wave, Flow
id: 94179418song: meganeko - empyrean

- No comment - 1753att / 120fps / worst fail: 97% / rating: 10/10


Video: Bram

Mid Tier

by Twoots; Second half heavy (Memory, Blind Jumps, Ship)
id: 6265506song: envy - switchblade (wip)

Complete brutality. Incredibly agonizing to play from 0%, the first half is not even demon difficulty, meanwhile the second half features a ship part that belongs in an entry extreme, 5 crazy hard quintuple spikes, 2 of them being blindjumps, and a bunch of old awkward cube memory. Somehow, someway, this level was actually quite fun to play, it's incredibly satisfying to finally pull off large chunks of the level. Also, I achieved my worst fail in a hotel lobby. 2413att / 120fps / worst fail: 96% / rating: 8/10 / 2nd hardest upon completion


Video: Nitroplus

Low Tier
Ditched Machine1m06sec

by Jeyzor; Super Ultra Mega Power Duals
id: 4192768song: zodin - lets bounce

- No comment - 1263att / 60/120fps / worst fail: 73% / rating: 8/10


Video: KrmaL


by Hinds; Overall, Ball
id: 13437081song: nightkilla - fracture

- No comment - +-2657att / 120fps / worst fail: 96% / rating: 6/10 / 4th hardest upon completion


Video: Luqualizer

High Tier

by Mazl & more, verified by Quantum; Ship + Wave
id: 19709171song: f-777 - system split

Yea this is early 2.0 and it shows... It's pretty good still! There are many awkward parts like Maxis's UFO or Willy's fast gamemode switches, but if you're accustomed to this kind of jank from the era, this is probably one of the most balanced levels I've beaten, which funnily enough is not a very high bar. 4611att / 120fps / worst fail: 76% / rating: 8/10 / ⭐ new hardest!


Video: Wulzy

Low Tier

by Andromeda; Wave (EXTREME 25% chokepoint)
id: 7054561song: nightkilla - poltergeist

- No comment - 3600att / 60/120fps / worst fail: 34% / rating: 7/10


Video: Riot

Lunatic Doom Machine56sec

by Andromeda & Optagonus, verified by SrGuillester; Mad 45% wave
id: 15625052song: raigon50 - lunatic princess (raigon mix)

I got 44-100% and 78% on my first serious day of playing, and then proceeded to get 44-100% again and die at the last ship again for another 5 days until I beat it wanting to rip my eyes out (I didn't have a good experience). With the inconsistency of the predrop and how unbalanced the drop itself is... yeah. 3980att / 120fps / worst fail: 82% / rating: 4/10 / 3rd hardest upon completion